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Friday, March 30, 2012

God Is A Jealous God

Wow, what a week!  I have been so blessed to serve God this week.  I had a great meeting with someone about the PA Preaching In The Mountains Family Camp this week.  I got to spend time with a great Evangelist this week that is in a revival near me for a couple of days.  To top it all off, I sat in a hospital for a very long time waiting on the Lord's timing so a dear sister in Christ could deliver her first child.  That wait was very long and tedious but well worth it.  Wow, to stand there (outside the room) and listen to that baby boy take his first breath and let out a cry!  GOD IS GOOD!  While I was waiting in that hospital I had the opportunity to get plenty of study time in and was thinking about the above verses.

This adjective jealous occurs in the Old Testament six times.  It refers directly to the attributes of God's justice and holiness, as He is the sole object of human worship, according to Mr. Vine.  It means an ardent zeal, jealous.  This shows, in a most expressive manner, what love God has for His people.  He is jealous for our fidelity because He desires us to have an incomparable happiness that can only be obtained if we have a relationship with Him through His son.  God feels for us like we do when we first fall in love in High School.   You remember that feeling, don't you?  You can't do anything but think about that person.  You call them and when you're done you spend thirty minutes saying, "You hang up first."   That feeling is how God loves us!  I thought, what are some things that makes a person in that kind of relationship mad?  Here are some things I came up with...

We do not like to be "cheated" on!  God does not like to be cheated on, or two timed, either!  We do things that show others we are "taken" or we are "set apart" from those that are single and not in a relationship.  In High School, we often give someone a class ring, a necklace, or a letterman jacket.  As we grow older we give engagement rings.  Finally, we give a wedding ring.  I always say there are four rings in a relationship.  First is the class ring, then the engagement ring,  then the wedding, and the final ring is suffering!  Haha, my wife doesn't like that joke! These rings are sign that we are taken.  Unfortunately, sometimes people will wear several other people's rings!    

There are signs that we are in a relationship with God too.  Obedience is a sign of a relationship with God.  We are to obey God's Word as it sanctifies us, or sets us apart, from the world.  Jn 17:17  Baptism is another sign we are in a relationship with God.  I know this kind of falls under the obedience category, but I read somewhere that a Muslim is not considered an infidel when they read a tract or even the Bible for that matter.  They are not considered an infidel until they are immersed into Christ.  The problem is the church is sneaking out at night with the world.  The church is two timing in their relationship with God!  Jas 4:4  We aren't sanctified by the Word because we do not obey it.  We treat the Word of God like a buffet.  We want to pick and choose which parts we want to submit to and disregard the rest.  That is cheating on God with the world!   Sure we will wear the ring of baptism but forget that ring of obedience.  We say, "Well, I'm not that bad.  Tommy is bad.  That guy is a hypocrite!"  Remember, we are to imitate God. Eph 5:1  We should compare our lives to Jesus and not Tommy!

In a relationship we don't like to be stood up.  I remember one time I had a friend that was all excited that he finally got this girl to go on a date with him.  He was all pumped up.  He left to go meet her and she didn't show up.  He called her and never got an answer.  She decided to go out with her friends instead of him! He went from pumped up to stood up and then to let down!  She later told him she thought she would have more fun with her friends and could always reschedule with him.  How many times have we stood up God for our friends?  We say, "I never miss, this one time will be OK.  I can reschedule with God for next week!"   We fall victim for the things of this world.  1Jn 2:16  We lust after the things of this world and stand God up when He wants us to meet with Him around His table and commune with Him. We often find out the grass is greener on the other side of the fence because it is filled with manure! We often stand up God because we was sneaking out with the world the night before.  We often stand up God on the Lord's Day because we are too busy sneaking out with the world!  


Apostasy is possible.  God desires us to fellowship with Him through his son. 1Jn 1:3  Many people, unfortunately, have moved away from God.  It will be worse for those who do not repent of apostasy than those who never submitted to God. 2Pe 2:20-21  Far too often when a person dumps another person they may realize it was a mistake but never returns to that person out of fear of rejection.  People who move away from God feel the same.  They feel they never can return to God or He will not forgive them, but that is nonsense!  Look at what Simon was told by Peter in Acts 8:18-23   We must repent if we moved away from God.  We must confess to Him in prayer and He is faithful to forgive. 1Jn 1:9  God is still driving and has His arm across the back of the seat.  The question is, will get in, let Him drive, and slide over next to Him?

Today, understand that God is a jealous God.  Not because He is insecure, but because he has a love for us that is expressed with an ardent zeal for us to have a relationship with Him.  We must be obedient in that relationship and make sure we don't cheat on Him with the world.  We must not stand Him up and meet with Him around His table.  We sneak out with the world and eventually dump Him and get out of His truck.  When we realize that we made a mistake dumping God and want back in His truck to snuggle next to Him all we need to is repent and confess to Him in prayer.  I am honored to serve a God that is jealous and desires nothing but the best for me.  I am proud to in a relationship with Him. I hope you are too!


We must hear the Word of God:  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We must believe or have faith:   Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We must repent of our sins:  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We must confess Christ before others:  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We must be immersed into Christ (baptized) Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38

We must be faithful:   Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22      


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Now You're Ready

Parents have a way of making sure their children are properly equipped to handle the ups and downs of life.  I am reminded of the movie "A Christmas Story" and how Mrs. Parker dresses her youngest Randy for school.  She just may have over done it a little but that boy would not be cold on his way to school.  God doesn't leave us in the cold either.  He didn't just send His son to redeem mankind from their sins.  He followed that up with sending a helper. Jn 14:16,17  I always say God reveals himself in at least three ways.  His power in nature. Rom 1:20 His person in Jesus Christ. Jn 3:16  His purpose in the written Word. 1Ti 2:3,4  His written Word also prepares us to face the world as well.  Consider the main scripture above.

These verses start out with a list of ten things that Young Timothy can relate to.  I read somewhere that one commentator said this was like a checklist for Timothy to reflect on.  I don't know about that stuff but I do believe this part of the Word of God is aimed at strengthening the young Evangelist.  It is made to inspire Timothy in vv 10-14, then it is to instruct him vv15-17.  You could even say it is to soberize (is that a word?  IT IS NOW!) him of a coming judgment in vv 4:1-5.  

Some people may struggle to find the ten things listed, did you?  There are the seven in verse 10 that are to display an active obedience.  The next two are a result of that active obedience.  The Word of God in no way tries to hide that Christians will have sufferings and persecutions.  Many try to sugar coat  this aspect, but the apostle Paul ever did that.  The last one is a great comfort.  If  an obedient and active faith brings struggles and persecutions why would anyone desire that?  The answer in verse 11, because God will rescue us just as He did the apostle Paul!

Verse 12 tells us if our lives are absent of persecution we are obviously NOT living that godly life that the Paul is talking about.  I always say if you are not having any type of persecution in your Christian walk you are not doing it right!!  Remember, persecution and sufferings are not the goal, they are a result and God will rescue us from them in His way!  B.W. Johnson said that persecution is inseparable from Christianity.  Maybe if the Church didn't look so much like the world it would have more persecution?  The Church in the 21st century wants their cake and to be able to eat it too.  We are ignorant of the idea of "through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God." Acts 14:22  I am in now way saying we are to be looking for persecution, but it must be expected Mt 10:22   Jesus knew this would be too much for some people.  He said if the persecution and suffering is to much for you, you are not worthy of him. Mt 10:38,39

In verse 13 Paul warns Timothy of false teachers that will arise and go from bad to worse.  In my mind this is a result of the desire to not experience persecution and sufferings.  People will often take the way of the least resistance.  Unfortunately, that way may not lead you where those who are in it with you claim it is leading.  

Timothy has a great advantage in verse 14.  It is true of all men who have the good fortune to come from godly homes, that the teaching and example of Christian parents is a priceless advantage; but such parents always teach their children that the authority is not in themselves but in the Word of the Lord.  

Verse 15 mentions Timothy learning from his childhood.  Jewish children were to be taught the Law at all times.  Dt 11:19  It was believed that if you taught them when they were young, they will hold onto it when they are old.  Pr 22:6  I read a Jewish maxim that said, "...the Jewish child receives the law from his mother's milk."  The purpose of this was to have wisdom that leads to salvation.  Remember, wisdom is the proper application of knowledge.  That salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ.  

This verse explains what "faith in Jesus Christ" truly means.  Many teach a "believe and receive" doctrine today.  This verse says nothing like that.  This verse says "faith in Jesus Christ" is an adherence to Christ's teachings, not a mere mental assertion.  Timothy is not told to simply think on Christ, but he is told to live out what he has been taught.  That my friends, is having faith.  Those who refuse to be baptized into Christ (Gal 3:27) for the remission of sin  and the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38) refuse Christ's teachings.  Mk 16:16    They refuse to be baptized into Christ and thus making them outside of Christ.  Some argue that one baptism is as good as another and you do not need to be baptized for remission of sin and the gift of the Holy Spirit.  If you were baptized to "join" a church you're good.  Well, the Bible speaks of one baptism (Eph 4:5) and Paul didn't allow another baptism in Ephesus (Acts 19:1-5)  The one baptism of Ephpreceded by belief and repentance.  

I stand convinced from that Word of God because verse 16 tells me the Word is inspired by God.  That is why Timothy is to have a faith that adheres to Christ's teachings because they are by God's authority.  Christ was given his authority from God! Mt 28:18  If the Church is to prosper it must be taught the Word of God.  It must be reproofed by the Word of God.  It must be corrected by the Word of God.  It must be trained by the Word of God.  Where the Word of God is taught and obeyed faith abounds and where the Word of God is not taught and obeyed immorality abounds.  

The last verse tells us why we must be taught, reproofed, corrected, and trained by this God inspired Word.  So that we will be "thoroughly equipped." 2Ti 3:17 NIV  I personally prefer the NIV translation here as opposed to NASB.  The Word of God thoroughly equips us to do God's work and that is saving souls.  God doesn't send us out into the world blind and helpless.  He has given us a way back to Him through Jesus Christ.  He has given us a helper in the Holy Spirit.  He has also equipped us with all we need to know and accomplish His will in our lives in His written Word.  

Today, will you submit and obey God's Word?  Will you teach others from God's Word?  God gives us His Word so we are ready and equipped to do His work.  God doesn't give us jobs we can handle; He makes us able to handle the jobs He calls us to!  Don't pray for God to remove mountains in your life.  Pray for God to  give you strength to climb those mountains! Have a red letter day.


We must hear the Word of God:  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We must believe or have faith:   Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We must repent of our sins:  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We must confess Christ before others:  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We must be immersed into Christ (baptized) Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38

We must be faithful:   Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22      

Monday, March 26, 2012

Where Did They Go

There have been few diseases that are more dreaded than leprosy.  It has produced years of misery in its victims.  It is a slowly advancing disease that leaves its victim with bleached white hair, a mass of scales and sores, and the joints of the victim often separate.  It was a terrible thing to be a leper.  

Today we read of ten leprous men who cried for mercy from Jesus from a distance. (vv1-13)  Jesus responds by healing them and telling them to go to the priests. (vs 14)  In that time it was necessary for a healed leper go to the Jewish priest to be restored back into the congregation.  Lev 14:1-32     Out of the ten, only one returned and that man happened to be a Samaritan, or a foreigner. (vv15,16)  Men who we expect nothing from often surprise us with doing the most and some we expect to do the most can disappoint us by doing the least!  Jesus said, "But the nine, where are they?"  The nine were filled with ingratitude!

This is running wild today, unfortunately.  It is a terrible and ugly sin.  It describes the wicked who forsook God. Rom 1:21  Paul describes those who have ingratitude well in 2Ti 3:2.  God wants us to "consider the great things He has done for you." 1Sam 12:24  Gratitude is a duty.  Many suffer from ingratitude today.

The person who showed ingratitude that comes to my mind is Saul.  When he was weak and insecure he was a grateful servant of the Lord.  It became a different story when God elevated him to a place of power and fame.  Saul forgot where his blessings came from!  1Sa 15:10-26   You never appreciate your well of water until it runs dry.  The old saying goes, "You don't know what you have until you have lost it."  That is ingratitude!

We are blessed with spiritual blessings from our Father in heaven (Eph 1:3) and do we show gratitude by serving Him?  WHERE ARE THE NINE?

Far too often, we put family, friends, work, and sports before God.  That is ingratitude!  Many people are like the hog that eats the acorns under the tree without ever looking up to see where they came from!  How many people pray to God for something and "vows" to do this or that in return?  After receiving a blessing they never look up  WHERE ARE THE NINE?  

How many people are supplied with things, healed from a disease, or saved from the perils of death?  They say, "Thank God" but they do nothing to "Thank God."  WHERE ARE THE NINE?

The Church is called to win souls. WHERE ARE THE NINE?  There is no appreciation.  There is no gratitude.  There is no living sacrifices.  There is no life of praise.  There is, however, plenty of ingratitude.  I praise God for those people who are filled with gratitude.  I pray to God for those who are filled with ingratitude.

We are commanded to be thankful.  Col 3:15  Are we thankful in everything? 1Th 5:18  Do we have an attitude of thanksgiving?  Col 4:2  There are many everyday tings to remind us of our blessings.  May we always take time to remember our blessings.  The old hymn goes, "Cont your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done."   May we all stop and gratefully, respectfully, and with gratitude thank the Lord for our many blessings.  

Today, don't just thank the Lord for his blessings.  Share with others what God has done for you.  Don't just share with your lips, but share with your attitude.  Too many people suffer from what I have began to call "Baditudes."    Today, may we as God's children influence those around us with our deeds, voices, and attitudes in a way that people know we are thankful to be His and He is our Good Shepherd.  IT IS NO SMALL THING TO BE A CHILD OF GOD!


We must hear the Word of God:  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We must believe or have faith:   Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We must repent of our sins:  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We must confess Christ before others:  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We must be immersed into Christ (baptized) Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38

We must be faithful:   Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22      

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Christian Call

When I thought of the "Christian Call" the first thing I thought of was a person sitting in an office making an evangelistic call to another person.  Hey, why not?  We have "Television Evangelists" why can't we have "Telephone Evangelists?" (Sarcasm Included) That is not the "call" I am talking about.  I am talking about the call of showing and living Christianity.  I first want to communicate that our call as Christians is first and foremost to "seek his kingdom and his righteousness." Mt 6:33  Then, we must continue Christ's work of seeking the lost (Lk 19:10) as he commanded. Mt 28:18-20  That being said, now we can look at how we are called to act as Christians.

The first thing that must be noted is that verse 11 says God's grace is for all mankind.  This quickly pulls the carpet out from under the belief that a certain elect group of people will be saved.  You see, God desires all mankind to be saved (1Ti 2:3,4), but not all mankind will desire God to save them.  God's love, mercy, and grace is for all, unfortunately, not all will accept.  God's nature is seen in Christ, beginning with his humble birth in Jerusalem and his final sacrifice of love at Calvary.

The apostle gives a negative and a positive in verse 12.  He says we must "deny ungodliness and worldly desires" while we "live righteously, sensibly, and godly."  This truly makes sense because if we are to remove something useless and do not fill it with something productive we will eventually fill it with useless things again.  For example, if we are to clean out a corner of our garage because it is a cluttered mess and we do not put something there and leave it as an open space, chances are, we will just clutter it up again.  The same goes for a life cluttered with worldly desires and ungodliness.  When we attempt to remove those deeds of clutter and do not fill it with something productive like righteous, sensible, and godly deeds, that old clutter will return!

The question is, how do we fill our lives with righteous, sensible, and godly deeds?  The answer to that my friends, is the "Christian Call."  We are called to the things listed in the first paragraph while we employ verse 13.  We see here two different advents in these few verses.  The first, verse 11, is in the past. It is God's grace that was seen in the earthly life of our Lord Jesus.  The second, verse 13, is in the future.  It is when Jesus returns.  We, Christians, are to be looking for that great moment and living in such a way that says we are in a covenant relationship with God through the blood of his son.  All the rules of living that are listed earlier in this chapter are meaningless without a relationship between Christ and his followers on earth who are to be walking as he commanded and expecting his glorious return.  That is the christian call!  Having a relationship with God through Jesus and anticipating his return.  

Verse 14 emphasizes the need for our salvation and it is tied to the fact that Christ's crucifixion frees us from the guilt of our past sins.  The crucifixion is seen in different aspects in scripture.  It is seen as a sacrifice with Christ as a scapegoat (1Pe 1:18,19), a war with Christ as the mighty warrior who has defeated Satan and his power (1Co 15:54-57), and a ransom paid (1Co 6:20) just to name a few.  What glorious thing God has done for mankind in the form of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made on the cross.  Through that sacrifice we are redeemed from every lawless deed and purified as to now be zealous good deeds.  The Christian call is to be zealous for good deeds as we seek first his kingdom and the lost.

Titus is told to "speak, exhort, and reprove."  I love this because I see this as a progressive nature to how we are to preach Christ crucified.  Some people will respond to you speaking to them about Christ.  Others will need exhorted, or to urge, advise, or admonish earnestly and urgently, in order for them to respond to Christ.  Still, some will refuse to respond and they will need to be reproved.  That merely means we must prove to them again God's love through Christ's sacrifice.  Unfortunately, some still will not respond but the Word of God is a seed and it takes time to grow.  Remember, we are looked at according to our efforts and not our successes.  1Co 3:5-9

Today, will you answer the "Christian Call" of seeking first his kingdom and righteousness, the call of seeking the lost, the call of being zealous for good deeds, and the call of sharing Christ crucified?


We must hear the Word of God:  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We must believe or have faith:   Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We must repent of our sins:  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We must confess Christ before others:  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We must be immersed into Christ (baptized) Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38

We must be faithful:   Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22           

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prayer From The Heart

I can remember one time I preached a message on prayer.  In that message, I mentioned a "prayer from the heart."   Afterwards, a fellow asked me to give an example of a prayer from the heart in scripture.  I gave a few, but I feel Nehemiah's prayer is one of the best I've read, aside from Jesus prayers.  Nehemiah's prayer was answered and it truly was from the heart.

His prayer started from concern for others in verses 1,2.  He had a genuine concern for God's people. Does your prayer life begin with concern for other people or for yourself?  My family and I study and pray together daily and I know how easy prayer can turn into habit as opposed to addressing concerns.  Often times our family prayers turn repetitive.  We ask for our daily bread, not to be led into temptation, protection from the evil one, a hedge around our family like God gave Job, and to be His hands and feet.  I often ask my boys after they pray, "Is that what is truly on your heart?"  God is concerned for people.  Therefore, His people should be concerned for people.  Our prayer life should first and foremost be initiated by concern.

In verse four we see Nehemiah's compassion for God's people.  Our prayer life should be filled with compassion.  He not only wept, but he wept for days, not only days but months!  Notice the months in the following verses, 1:1; 2:1.  That is a period of about four months.  He probably was is in supplication to the Lord waiting for a his answer.  Lord, forgive me for not having that compassion.  I can only imagine most men, like myself, would have given up and said, "Hey, I've been praying for this for a week now!  I give up.  Apparently God doesn't want me to do it!"   I have a compassion for God's people, but I'm not sure if it would lead me to weep for days or months.  We must persistently offer compassionate prayers from our deepest concerns.  That is praying from the heart.  Providing the motives are correct, that is the prayer that is answered.  Now, we better be ready to get the answers "no" and "not at this time", but we will get an answer.  This type of compassion existed in Ezra as well. Ezra 9:3  

Nehemiah's prayer was filled with confession as well.  In verses 5-11 he confesses the sins of the people to God.  He doesn't blame God for their tragedy, rather, he says I am a sinner, we are sinners.  He humbly understands that God's Word says "if you are unfaithful I will scatter you among the peoples..."  Often times we fail to see that in our lives as Christians.  We often take God's grace for granted.  There is no doubt we are saved by God's grace, but that grace isn't a free ticket to immoral and unfaithful living.  I fear we have not learned from the examples laid out in the Old Testament.  Notice Nehemiah seeks supplication from the Lord before he seeks supplies.  He doesn't ask for supplies until he is granted permission to go.   Neh 2:1-9  I truly believe I would have prayed for the permission and then added, "Lord, I will also need this, this, and that." as if God doesn't know what I need.  Nehemiah knows if God is faithful to scatter His people based upon their unfaithfulness He is faithful to gather His people if they return to Him.   That applies today as well.  Mankind had fallen and was far from God with no way to get close to Him.  There was no way to Him.  So He sent us His only begotten Son. Jn 3:16  His son, Jesus, came with a specific job to do. Lk 19:10  He completed this job by giving up his own life as a sacrifice for our sins on the cross.  That is where he finished his work. Jn 19:16-30   Then Jesus told us there is no way to the Father but through him. Jn 14:6 Before God's Son ascended to heaven he passed his job onto us in Mt 28:18-20  God is still gathering those that will return Him today.  Do we, as his people, have the prayer life that is initiated with concern for God's people?  Do we have the same compassion for God's people as the great leaders of the Old Testament?  Are we humble enough to confess our sins knowing God is faithful to His Word and He will forgive us? 1Jn 1:9  Do you pray with concern, compassion, and confession?

Today, will we begin, if we don't already have, a prayer life that is initiated by concern for God's people, that exemplifies our compassion, and confess our sins to God?  That is a prayer from the heart.  Will we learn to pray from this great Old Testament leader?  We will face adversity along the way of completing our task of fulfilling the Great Commission.  Nehemiah faced seven attempts to stop him from completing the task of building the wall.  A faithful trust in the Lord got him through them all.  Let us pray from the heart to the Lord and trust him with it as well!


We must hear the Word of God:  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We must believe or have faith:   Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We must repent of our sins:  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We must confess Christ before others:  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We must be immersed into Christ (baptized) Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38

We must be faithful:     

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Man With Many Hats

I remember a man in my past that was very influential to me.  I had studied the Word of God with this man many times and I always made sure to listen when he spoke.  I didn't always agree with what he said, but I dearly loved his passion and zeal.  This man had a saying that he told us every Lord's Day when the men gathered to pray before the service.  He would say, "Men, we are a small congregation.  In a small congregation you must wear several different hats and often at the same time.  Make sure you have them all on and get ready to serve today."  As I read Nehemiah, I can't help but notice that "hat wearing" ability in him.

Max Lucado describes Nehemiah like this, "You can find the tenderness of Abraham Lincoln, The fire of General George Patton, and the savvy of Winston Churchill all in one man.  Nehemiah."

When we first read Nehemiah he is wearing the hat of a prayer warrior. Neh 1:4   Here is where we see the "Lincoln" in Nehemiah.  He is overwhelmed with compassion on people that are oppressed and vulnerable.  It must be noted here that before Nehemiah prayed for materials to rebuild the wall he first prayed for forgiveness.  Neh 1:5-11   Leaders who make a difference pray with burdened compassion because they know God alone can mend shattered lives and heal broken hearts.  The greatest leaders are those with compassion.  

Next we see Nehemiah wearing the cup-bearer hat.  He is serving the King Artaxerxes.  This is where we see him ask for the lumber, after he asked for forgiveness from God. Neh 2:8   

Nehemiah trades in his royal hat and puts on a hard hat.  We see him as the inspector in Neh 2:13,15   As usual, when someone tries to work for the Lord and accomplish His Will according to His Word they are faced with mockers.  Neh 2:19   We too, must expect this as well. Far too many leaders are discouraged because they are mocked and despised for trying to be obedient.  This type of persecution should be expected.  2Ti 3:12   When we want to be used by God we must understand that often times that comes with assuming the weight of a burden.  God's Word commands us to "bear one another's burdens" in Gal 6:2  The wall gets finished and the glory is given to God. Neh 6:15,16  

After the wall is built Nehemiah takes off the hard hat and puts on the cup-bearer hat again.  He was gone for 12 years and many bad things happened while he was gone.  Neh 13:6,7  

When he returns he hangs up the cup-bearer hat and put on a house cleaning hat.  Neh 13:8,9  Nehemiah returns to find the wall was strong, but the people were weak.  Faith was forgotten and discipline was a cuss word.  

He finally puts on one last hat.  He takes off the house cleaning hat and puts on a teacher's hat.  Nehemiah restores the things in the Word of God.  He restores tithes. Neh 13:10-12  He then restores the Sabbath.  Neh 13:15-17,22  Finally, he removed mixed marriages.  Nehemiah was not what you would call typical and didn't remove remove mixed marriages in a typical way. Neh 13:25

Nehemiah was great man.  He was not great because he was successful in restoration.  He was great because he knew his success depended upon the Almighty God.  While Nehemiah kept changing hats, he continually had on his servant's hat.  The measure of a person's greatness is not according to how many serve them, but in how many they serve!

Today, will you put on several hats and serve those who are in need?  May we be similar to Nehemiah and find ways to better our community.  Nehemiah did it, not for praise, but for the Lord and so should we.  May we all show God's love to others by our deeds and not just our tongue. 1Jn 3:18   


We must hear the Word of God:  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We must believe or have faith:   Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We must repent of our sins:  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We must confess Christ before others:  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We must be immersed into Christ (baptized) Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38

We must be faithful:  Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22   


Monday, March 19, 2012

What is Life?

James asks a deep question here.  It makes you put on a thinking cap.  Life is defined as a condition that distinguishes organisms from dead organisms.  In other words, life is the opposite of death.  Okay, that doesn't help me understand life at all.   I am not what you call an intellectual, but life seems much more significant thane that!  Life is more than mere existence.  I am reminded of what Ralph Waldo Emerson says, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."  That is good stuff.  Let's ponder together, what is life?

First, life is a gift.  God created man and them gave him life. Gen 2:7   I suppose that if we are "given" the breath of life that would make life a gift.  Solomon tells us to remember our creator, or the one who gave us life. Ecc 12:1  Expounding on that thought, If God gave us life, then it is reasonable to think we should be held responsible to Him for the way we live it?   Solomon says as much in Ecc 12:13  God desires that we take this gift of life He gave us and live it  to His glory.  Mt 5:16   The light we are to let shine MUST glorify God.  The day will come when we will face Him.  Rev 20:12  We all will stand before that throne not just the wicked, or just the Christians but everyone. 2Co 5:10   Life is a gift from God and we must live it in a way that glorifies Him.

Life is preparation.  I compare our life on earth as a trial period in  a new job.  Most jobs give you a trial period, often 90 days, to see if you can "cut the mustard."  Employers want to see in that period if you are capable of obeying the rules and fulfilling the requirements of that position.  The employer is not desiring that you will fail and they will supply you with all you need.  If, after the trial period is over, you fail to obey and fulfill you are released from that position.  Christianity is similar.  We are on this earth for a trial period.  God is like the employer.   He doesn't want us to fail while we are on this trail period.  He has given us all we need to complete the task at hand in Christ and His written Word.  Therefore, all that is left is for us to obey and fulfill!  We must look at life as a trial period and understand how we live it  goes a long way to determine where we spend eternity.  We must live in preparation to meet God. Amos 4:12 Today, there is just one way to prepare to meet God and that is through Jesus.  Jn 14:6

Life is a period of building.  Jesus gave a great illustration of the importance of building on a weak or strong foundation in Mt 7:24-27  An important lesson here is that Jesus says he is NOT our foundation.  Most people today says he is, but that is in error.  Jesus said that the foundation is obedience to his word.  He said, "hears my words and acts on them."  The Word of God is to be our foundation of life.  from there we are to follow the cornerstone as we build our spiritual lives. Eph 2:20

Life is a conflict or war.  There is a war within every person.  Jesus said as much to his disciples as they were sleeping.  Mt 26:41  Even the apostle Paul had to "discipline" his body.  1Co 9:27  As noted above, God supplied us with all we need to defend ourselves in this war. Eph 6:10-18  There will be hardships in this war but we must suffer them as good soldiers. 2Ti 2:13

Life is choices.  We are faced with a multitude of choices daily.  They begin as soon as we wake up, "To snooze button or not to snooze button" is a popular saying, or I may have misquoted that one.  You must choose daily who you will serve. Jos 24:15  We must not be ignorant to the fact the we do serve one of two masters every day. Rom 6:16    We determine the master we serve by the choices we make.  Decisions dictate destiny. That is why the guiding principle in our decision making should be Mt 6:33

Live is short.  The main text today says that life is a "vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away."  Ps 90:10 tells us we have but a few years here in this life and a few verses later we are told to "number our days" and present to God a heart of wisdom.  Ps 90:12  

We will face choices in our daily lives.  We will be in a conflict of spirit and flesh.  We must make choices that will glorify God as he has given is the gift of life.  We must approach this vapor of a life as a probation period here on earth.  We must build our lives in preparation of meeting God.  When do we need to start living life this way?  Paul says now!  2Co 6:2  Now is the acceptable time!  Today is the day of salvation!

Today, will you obey and fulfill all that God desires in your life?  Will you let your light shine with works that glorify God?  Will you let today be the day of salvation?  


We must hear the Word of God:  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We must believe or have faith:   Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We must repent of our sins:  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We must confess Christ before others:  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We must be immersed into Christ (baptized) Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38

We must be faithful:  Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22