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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

God's Security

When I think of security, the first thing that comes to mind is my son Drew and his "kitty."  When he was younger he carried that thing everywhere with him.  It was ugly, torn, and it drove me nuts.  We had to pick up pieces of the inside of that kitty every two hours.  I took it from him one time to have it repaired and then I realized the security that "kitty" gave Drew.  Today, I hope we all feel that same security from God.

The first verse of this Psalm 91 is the theme for he entire thing, but I find it very beautiful.  I want you to understand a few words in this verse.  First, the word dwells.  This word literally means to sit.  Today, when we invite someone to sit we often say, "take a load off."  That is exactly what wants us to do, sit and take a load off!  Second, I want to define abide.  It means to stop at night, lie all night, or lodge.  Lastly, the word shadow is defined as shade and protect from heat, but it is similar to the word surround.  So if you restate this verse with its meanings in place it would read: "The person that sits in the secret place of the most High will lodge and be surrounded in the protection provided by the Almighty from the heat." That is where I want to be!!

"How do we get there", you might ask.  Well, verse two says we have to trust in the Lord.  Many people today trust the Lord for their salvation, but they do not trust Him to supply daily bread.  This "trust" in the Lord should be a constant expectation not a constant anxiety. We lean on and trust the Lord when we are struggling. Ps 138:7,8  We forget that we are God's creation and He loves us. Our trust in the Lord should bring about an expectancy of His provisions, not an anxious hoping He will provide.  When the times are tough we must expect God to provide because he is our refuge and fortress, not anxiously hope He provides!! 

Vs 4 has a lot to say of the security God provides.  This verse speaks of us being covered with His feathers and under His wings.  What a comfort that is.  A mother hen will gather her chick under her wings when trouble comes around.  That is the safest place for her babies to be in that time.  That is exactly where God wants us when troubles come around.  Surrounded by the security of his wings.  I read a story one time of a forest fire that had broken out in Yellowstone.  A mother bird was found burned to death on the ground.  When a Forest Ranger kicked the bird over three baby chicks ran out alive and untouched by the heat, smoke, and flames of the fire.  I thought, "Wow, that is exactly what this verse is saying."  Unfortunately, through a little research I found that story is false, but what a great example of God's security.  

We also read about God's truth being our shield and buckler.

The actual definition is something that completely surrounds you.  Do you see a pattern here today?  God's love and security completely surrounds us.  Even if we do not see or recognize it!  This security is found in God's truth! Pr 23:23  Jn 8:32  Jn 17:17    

We read about a similar security and protection in God's Word in Eph 6:10-17                           

Know today that God is providing you with His love and security.  He provides us with the armor we need to fight our battles in His Word.  The question that must be asked is, "Are you using what God provides you in His Word?"  Many feel unsecured, unloved, and alone only because they are not using what God has provided.  God provides all the security we need because He loves us.  Jn 3:16


Hear The Word-  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We Must Believe or Have Faith-  Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We Must Repent-  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We Must Confess Christ Before Others-  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We Must Be Immersed Into Christ (Baptized)-  1Pe 3:21; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38  

We Must Remain Faithful-  Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

God's Challenge

Moses asked God to choose a man to be his successor before he died in Num 27:16,17.  We all know that God chose Joshua (Jesus in Hebrew) Num 27: 18-23  So what we have here is this scenario.  Moses, the Lawgiver, is dead.  Miriam, the Prophetess, is dead.  Aaron, The priest, is dead.  The only person alive is Joshua (Jesus).  I love that illustration because it says, "Neither Moses and the Law, Miriam and the Prophets, or Aaron and the priests can lead you to the promised land.    Joshua (Jesus), the captain of our salvation, can do what no one else can do and that is lead us to where we want to be, the promised land.    

God prepares the ones He calls.  God doesn't throw us into a task blindfolded.  The preparation may not be in a Seminary or secular college, but it just may be the school of Hard Knocks.  It may be growing up a slave in Egypt, and 40 years in a desert with a bunch of whining unbelievers, but if you are faithful the day will come when your talents as a soldier will be needed to lead that group of people to the land of milk and honey.  EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER!   

In verse two God gave Joshua a near impossible task of crossing the mighty Jordan in the flood season.  That is probably why God said so frequently, "Be strong and courageous. Don't fear.  I am with you."    I love how God even tells Joshua where his strength will come from in verse five.  Like Joshua, we have no reason to fear man or nature because God is with us and our strength comes from the lord!  Ps 121:1,2

God gives His people all they need to accomplish His will.  The problem is we lazily depend on God and think we have no work to do.  We just need to sit and ask God for everything and all our battles will be won.  God doesn't say that to Joshua.   He says, "I have prepared you.  I am with you.  I am your strength and courage, but you still have work to do."  Jos 1:8 God says, "Meditate on my Word.  Let it not depart from your lips.  THEN, you will make your way prosperous and successful."  You see Joshua couldn't lead the way if he didn't know the way!  Knowledge is power.  If you are going to lead people to the promised land, you need to know the Book, and keep the Book in your mind, on your heart, and coming from your lips.  Otherwise you will not be prosperous and successful.  The leader that is ignorant of God's Word is useless.

In your life, when it is time to cross your mighty Jordan or battle a giant, I hope you have the Word locked in your heart.
Then you will understand how to unlock God's power, courage, and wisdom.  Then you will be prosperous and successful.  You can't unlock knowledge from God's Word unless you study it day and night.  Keeping God's Word in your heart is the fulfillment of "...for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Jos 1:9  The knowledge of God's Word will provide us our victories.

The second verse of the beautiful hymn goes: His banner over us is love, Our sword the Word of God. We tread the road the saints above With shouts of triumph trod. By faith, they like a whirlwind's breath, Swept on o'er every field.  The faith by which they conquered death
Is still our shining shield.  Faith is the victory! Faith is the victory!  O glorious victory, that overcomes the world.  


Hear The Word-  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We Must Believe or Have Faith-  Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We Must Repent-  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We Must Confess Christ Before Others-  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We Must Be Immersed Into Christ (Baptized)-  1Pe 3:21; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38  

We Must Remain Faithful-  Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dividing The Plate of Life

My wife can't stand to have one serving of food touch another.  She either has to use divided plates or make several trips to get more in a meal.  Me, on the other hand, I can just slop it all together and eat it.  I go by the saying, "It's all going to the same place."  I use bread as an edible napkin and wipe off my plate from time to time too.  Some people divide their food an some don't.  Some people try to break down their lives like this as well.  

People can put on their proverbial "game face" at work to let everyone know you mean business.

Then, switch to a "soccer mom" attitude when at home.  

Finally, a "Susie homemaker" on the weekends.  
Susie Homemaker | Facebook

The problem is when the barrier between them is not high enough to separate them anymore.  Like when my wife leans her plate to far to one direction and the separate food now becomes one food.  That usually becomes my plate by the way!

Many people try to attempt this in religion as well.  We show up on Sunday, enjoy singing praises to the Lord, get edified by a good sermon, and then check it all at the door because that falls into "Susie homemaker" weekend category.   

Friends, we cannot divide up Jesus in our lives.  He must be in all we do!  Col 3:17.  Everything we say and do in life should be committed to Jesus.  We should be continually praising God for His gifts.  God knows everything we do anyway. Ecc 12:13,14

Salvation is a process we are to continually work at it.  Phi 2:12 says " out your salvation with fear and trembling."  This means salvation must be worked out. We cannot separate God's commands from our lives because we are in our "game face" mode.  

We are called to be Holy. 1Pe 1:16  We must be sanctified and separate from the world. Rom 12:1,2  Most people do not know how to be sanctified.  I said it last night at our evening service if we want to be sanctified it must come from obedience to the Word of God.  Jn 17:17

My friends do not separate the plate of life.  Allow the Word of God flow through all areas of your life.  We have no fear of death or anything when the Lord is our shepherd.  Ps 23  There is no fear of condemnation when God's Word flows through our lives.  Rom 8:1,2  Remember, we are to glorify God In all we do because we were bought at a price. 1Co 6:19,20

Today and everyday share the Good news of Jesus and God's plan of redeeming man through Jesus.   Don't separate that from the plate of life!   


Hear The Word-  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We Must Believe or Have Faith-  Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We Must Repent-  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We Must Confess Christ Before Others-  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We Must Be Immersed Into Christ (Baptized)-  1Pe 3:21; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38  

We Must Remain Faithful-  Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Something Better Is Coming


I read a story one time about a woman who had been diagnosed with cancer and had been given three months to live.  Being a strong and independent woman she began to make plans for her physical death.  She called her preacher and they sat down and discussed scriptures, songs, and specials she wanted in her funeral.  The preacher feeling all was done had a prayer and began to leave.  The woman asked if she can make one last request.  The preacher obviously welcomed the request and she said, "I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand.  When you eat at a restaurant and they take your plates away they leave a fork because something better is coming.  I'm not referring to Jello or pudding, but something good like cake or ice cream.  I know as I leave this old and run down body, something better is coming."  The preacher with a tear in his eye tipped his hat and said, "You got it and thank you for teaching me a great lesson!"

I hope we all have that approach to our time on this earth.  As Christians, our true blessings will be in heaven where we receive our inheritance of the resurrection, not on this earth. 1Pe 1:3,4  We have such a great God that He gives us a blessing in the Holy Spirit to let us know something better is coming.    

Consider Eph 1:13,14, these verses say we're "sealed" with the Holy Spirit which is the "guarantee" of our inheritance.  To important words we will quickly look at today.  

First, the word translated sealed.  The root word of sealed means to stamp.  This word literally means to set a seal upon; mark with a seal to indicate security.  Something would be sealed for one of three reasons and the Holy Spirit accomplishes all three.
1.   Guarantee genuineness.  Rom 8:16 The Spirit “bears witness” that we are children of God!
2.   A mark of ownership- Rom 8:9  The indwelling Holy Spirit is evidence that we are truly Christ’s
3.   Protect against tampering or harm- Rom 8:13 It’s “by the spirit” you and I can “put to death the deeds of the body.”  

Second, the word translated guarantee.  This is a word adopted from the Phoenicians by the Greeks that meant a pledge or earnest money.  It references a down payment that the full amount will be paid.  The Holy Spirit is a deposit in our hearts!  2Co 1:22 The Holy Spirit is a guarantee of what God has prepared for us and something better is coming.  The BLESSING of the Holy Spirit working in our lives is only a foretaste of what awaits those who are adopted into God’s family Gal 4:6,7, redeemed and received the forgiveness of sins through the blood of God’s Son 1Pe 3:21, and awaiting the inheritance we receive in heaven! 1Pe 1:3,4

The Holy Spirit is like having a fork in our right hand as we operate in our daily lives here on this earth.  It is important that we are sealed in the Holy Spirit so we have God's guarantee of something better that is coming.  Have you received the gift of the Holy Spirit?  Acts 2:38 tells us we receive the "gift of the Holy Spirit" when we are immersed into the watery grave of Christ's death. Rom 6:4  Today, I pray you have the seal and guarantee that something better is coming for you! 


Hear The Word-  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We Must Believe or Have Faith-  Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We Must Repent-  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We Must Confess Christ Before Others-  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We Must Be Immersed Into Christ (Baptized)-  1Pe 3:21; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38  

We Must Remain Faithful-  Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22


Monday, November 21, 2011

No Chameleons Wanted

Chameleons have the ability to change colors.  We all know them to do this according to their environment.  Whether this is a fact is not our debate today, but the fact that they change will be.  This is my friend Louie.  He has changed to white color in an effort to blend in because he doesn't want to bee seen by you.  Maybe later he will "go green" so you can get a good look at him?

You see many Christians are like Louie.  They spend most of their time trying to blend in with the world.  I will not speculate as to why, but I know it has something to do with God's Word.  Jn 17:17   Vine's says, "Sanctification can be used in New Testament of the separation of the believer from evil things and ways. This sanctification is God's will for the believer, 1Th 4:3, and His purpose in calling him by the gospel, 1Th 4:7; it must be learned from God, 1Th 4:4, as He teaches it by His Word. Jn 17:17"  I say say simply sanctification is simply being set apart for a accomplishing the will of God.  Louie doesn't understand this concept yet, and neither do many Christians.  Too many Christians are like Louie trying to blend in with the world.

Jn 17:17 told us God"s Word teaches us how to be sanctified.  God's Word is powerful and sharp (Heb 4:12) and it is needed to cut and separate us from the world.  It is the power of God to salvation as well. Rom 1:16  Our faith grows by hearing the Word taught correctly. Rom 10:17  Without application of God's Word in our lives we have no hope of being sanctified.  We are just chameleons.  The difficulty lies in the failure to recognize the Word itself as a living and abiding entity in the soul of the believer. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly" Col 3:16

We must make the study and application of the Word a priority in our lives.  Hearing the word isn't enough to be blessed, we must do, or keep, it as well. Lk 11:28    

Well, it looks like Louie has decided to show his true color today.  He now understands that we are to "set apart to accomplish God's will" and not blending in with the world.  The only problem is I wanted you to learn that and not some fake friend!  I pray you learned more than Louie.  Today, don't blend in with the world.  Rather, stand out for Jesus!  As the first verse of the hymn goes,"Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross; lift high his royal banner, it must not suffer loss. From victory unto victory his army shall he lead, till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.


Hear The Word-  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We Must Believe or Have Faith-  Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We Must Repent-  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We Must Confess Christ Before Others-  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We Must Be Immersed Into Christ (Baptized)-  1Pe 3:21; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38  

We Must Remain Faithful-  Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22

Friday, November 18, 2011

Waldo Wasn't The First


Many of us probably can remember looking at those pictures to find where Waldo was.  It could be difficult to find Waldo at times.  Those pictures could get tricky.  Then all of a sudden Waldo would appear before your very eyes, on the paper anyway!  I want you to know Waldo wasn't the first person to disappear and then appear to others, so to speak, Jesus was!

Jesus told his disciples of his death and resurrection several times. Mt 16:21 It just didn't sink in the way it should.  He made it clear that he came to die for mankind and rise again.  Jesus did exactly as he said he would.  That is known as the "good news" of the gospel.  1Co 15:3,4  

The prophecy of Jesus' death (Isa 53:3-6 NASB) was to be pierced on a cross for our transgressions.  That was done.  He was buried, and after three days He rose from the grave.  Now after Jesus had risen, the first thought was, "Where's Jesus?"  The tomb was empty!  Mt 28:6; Mk 16:6; Lk 24:3    The fact that He had risen, although it was prophesied, was hard to accept because much like today's society, if we can't see it, touch it, or hear it, IT DOESN'T EXIST!!  Thomas said as much in Jn 20:25

Jesus understood that and He made sure after Hos resurrection he met all three and even met a fourth test!  He was seen in Jn 20:26.  He was touched in Jn 20:27,28.  We know he was heard.  The scriptures I just listed is a conversation between Jesus and Thomas.  I'm just sayin...  Jesus had know passed the see, touch, and hear tests.  That wasn't enough because Jesus wanted them to be certain it was Him in the flesh.  He even passed the "eating test."  He asked for food in Lk 24:41-43 and ate it just to prove it wasn't a spirit in front of them it was Jesus in the flesh.  

Not every believed Jesus had risen.  The tomb was empty so the question again arose, "Where is Jesus?" (in reference to is dead body)  Let's quickly look at the possibilities!

The first conclusion that we would come to is that the body was stolen.  How many thefts or robberies to you know that are done very neatly?  NONE!  The thieves trash the place in an attempt to quickly get what they want.  The goal is speed not neatness!  I say this because This theft was nice and neat.  When the disciples looked into the tomb the saw the linen clothes lying there.  Jn 20:5,6.  Remember, when Lazarus was raised he came out with the linens on him.  Jn 11:43,44   So, where is Jesus? (body)  Here are some options 

The Jews stole it?  NOPE!  They would've produced the body while Peter was preaching to shut him up in Acts  Chapter 2.  They didn't want the people believing Jesus had risen if the y had the body in their possession!

The Roman Government stole it?  NOPE!  They would’ve produced it to stop friction between Jews and Christians.  Also, there would've been a complete different response to Paul when he was before Felix(Acts 24) and Agrippa, who said, "in such a short time are you persuading me to become a Christian?”(Acts 26)  Agrippa would have said, "We have the body of your Jesus.  He DID NOT raise from the grave."

The Roman Guard stole it?  NOPE! How would they explain it to their superiors?  Can you bribe a man when it is his life he is bargaining? Ac16:27 Guards were sentenced to death if their prisoners escaped.  What guard really admits he had fallen asleep?  What motive would they have for taking the body?

The disciples stole it?  NOPE!   How would they get past the Guards?  They were already hiding in fear of the Jews. Jn 20:19  Why would they die for a lie?  History says most of them were martyred.   

A random group of individuals stole it?  NOPE!  What motive would they have to do such a thing?  How did they get passed the Roman Guards?  They would have silenced witnesses who saw the resurrected Christ. 1Co 15:5-8

Jesus was not dead?  NOPE!  ?  CONSIDER THE CONDITION JESUS WOULD'VE BEEN IN!  How did he escape from the tomb after being on the cross?  Remember he had holes in his hands and feet.  How did he walk?  How did he move that rock and get passed the Roman Guards?  Keep in mind the disciples must not know about it because they sealed their testimony of Christ with their lives!

There is no other answer to "Where is Jesus" than HE IS RISEN!  His resurrection gives us the hope of the same and takes any fear of death we may have.  God be glorified!!  So like I said earlier.  Jesus was the first person to have some ask where he is.


Hear The Word-  Rom 10:17; Acts 4:4

We Must Believe or Have Faith-  Heb 11:6; Acts 16:31

We Must Repent-  Lk 13:3; Acts 17:30

We Must Confess Christ Before Others-  Mt 10:32; Acts 8:37

We Must Be Immersed Into Christ (Baptized)-  1Pe 3:21; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38  

We Must Remain Faithful-  Rev 2:10; Acts 14:22